Kurmanchal Sewa Samiti, Champawat

Add : Darah
Tel :
Mobile : 91-94561 63862, 91-97612 29682
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Contact : Hemant Joshi
Purpose : Social Causes
Aim/Objective/Mission : Kurmanchal Sewa Samiti (KUSS) is registered under societies registration act XXI of 1860 as an organization with non profit motive by a group of researchers in January, 1998. KUSS is registered under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act 1976 under section 6(1) (a) Cultural Economic Social Organization. Society is also registered under Income Tax Exemption (80G) & also 12A.
Our Vision is to create KUSS into a scientific institution characterised by pursuit of excellence in the area of rural development. Towards this end, to develop new technologies, processes, materials, components, sub-systems, products & services at par with in order to make the goals of Self sustainable livelihoods.
To strengthening rural economy of Uttarakhand by accelerating income generation program for the village poor, or women’s and SC/ST by bringing up grass root changes in agriculture / allied sectors and non farm sectors and other endeavors for accessing basic amenities taking community as a basis to create self-employment for rural unemployed and stop migration.

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