Info International Educational and Welfare Society, Rishikesh
Add : 2 Avdhoot, AShram Road
Tel : 91-135-2430993
Mobile : 91-98978 88321
Email :
Website :
Contact : Rajesh Painuly
Purpose : Educationa and skill development for poor people.
Aim/Objective/Mission : To acquire, establish, start, aid run, maintain or manage, school, college, libraries for the purpose of the public welfare.
To publish, or cause to be published useful literatures, papers magazine, books etc;
To establish start aid maintain or manage, training schools, for poor people;
To promote and assist in the protection, conservation and regeneration of the ecological environment including herbs and horticulture plants and fauna.
To organize camps, seminars, skill development based trainings and implementation of all rural as well as urban development programmes, promote khadi product, organic and handicraft products, research programs/studies, monitoring and evaluation studies, recruitment and placement task for the upliftment of deprived sections of the society.
To promote and work for dissemination of knowledge regarding the appropriate technologies in the various fields including saving energy, agriculture, animal husbandry, environment, forestry, natural resource conservation and promotion, soil and water conservation, shelter, food processing, education, culture, health, drama, play, audio/video, serials, movies, sanitation, cultivation and promotion of medicinal plants and all such activities which are directly or indirectly concerned to the upliftment of poor mass in the society.
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