Himalaya Study Circle, Pithoragarh
Add : GIC Road
Tel : 91-5964-264242
Mobile : 91-94120 95808
Email : hscpith@yahoo.co.nz
Website : http://www.hscvo.com
Contact : Dr. Dinesh Joshi
Purpose : Cummunity based development.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Poverty alleviation through participatory community based initiatives. Women and Child Development. Economic and socio-political empowerment of disadvantaged mountain communities.
263 SHG and S&CC groups are functional with the capital of more than Rs. 30 Lac. Created 300 community owned and operated assets for drinking water, irrigation, cooperative buildings and collection centers etc. 70 Villages are covered by drinking water schemes with water tanks and pipelines under rural drinking water and sanitation programme (SWAJAL). Disadvantaged communities are in major focus of activities. More than 90% economic programmes are planned for the these communityEnvironmental regeneration.
Rural health and environmental sanitation campaign has been organized in more than 300 villages in Pithoragarh. More than 100 acore forest land is covered by the plantation of fodder species like oak and other. 5 NTFPs nurseries formed with women groups in common land . Series of environmental camps and workshops have organized and still it is continue as according to the community demand.
Organic farming and vegetable cultivation is being promoted in the project area promotion and capacity building of community based organizations and local NGOs.
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