Hariom Ashram, Dehradun

Add : Kadwapani, Karbari Grant, Bhuddi, Shimla Bye Pass
Tel :
Mobile : 81939 89452, 98975 04931
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Mahant Anupamanand Giri Ji Maharaj
Purpose : Animal Welfare, Child Welfare, Orphanage, Yoga, Youth.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Hariom Ashram is a unique combination of orphange, gurukul and gaoshala started by mahant Anupamanand Giri ji maharaj. The objective is to uplift that portion of children in society which had potential but due to various problem they cant utilise there potential. Ashram take such children, make them study, ensure the overal development, develop the skill of individual child. Currently taking care of 120 children. Along with this had a gaoshala, where all type of cows are kept whether they give milk or not. Currently taking care of 100+ cows also.

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