Green Foundation, Dehradun
Add : 28, Mahadev Vihar, Gms Road, Dehradun
248 171
Tel : 0135-2621932
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Contact Person : Dr. Ravindra Sharma
Purpose : Awareness Generation, Ayurveda, Forest Management, Forestry, Health, Herbal Medicine, Livelihood, Plantation, Science And Technology.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Stretch out the green health care programme upto school level by making use of different tools of extension education. Train, educate & encourage initiative of all user groups aimed at effective utilization of local natural resources for primary health care and environmental conservation. Promote integrated herbo-agro farm forestry approach. Identify and strengthen the traditional knowledge of the medicine system and contribute towards strengthening institutions non government organisation’s (ngo’s) voluntary agencies working in the himalayan regions through interactive networking. Create a multi-disciplinary & comprehensive computerized database on ethno-medicinal flora. Study the intrinsic and extrinsic factors causing depletion of endangered endemic species population and to formulate and adopt scientifically oriented conservation strategies and to identify biodiversity conservation zones in the country. Provide supervision, monitoring, evaluation and consultancy services on cultivation, development of marketing of herbs and herbal products. Impart training to stake holders on conservation, cultivation, utilization value-addition and marketing. Publish journals, books and other literature for dissemination of information pertaining to development and utilization of medicinal herbs.
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