E Gyan Kendra, Dehradun

Add : 34 Mohini Road, Dalanwala
Tel : 91-135-2669652
Mobile : 91-94120 09273
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Contact : Anil
Purpose : Skill development
Aim/Objective/Mission : E Gyan Kendra is Knowledge-driven and technology based endeavor of SEWAA, promoted to bridge the gap between learning and earning through flexible and accessible vocational and skill development programs for rural, semi-rural, underprivileged and unemployed youths with special focus on women and differently-able communities through ICT based efficient, creative and participatory learning solutions. SEWAA is an not-for-profit making, environment conscious, socially responsible voluntary organization setup in July 1994 in order to address the growing problems related to 5 Es of the central Himalayan region of Uttarakhand. Being a Technology savvy organization SEWAA has been involved at Policy Issues, Advocacy, Consulting and Execution level assignments for ICT4D domain at local, regional and global level for the past one decade. Some prestigious assignment undertaken by SEWAA, had been with WSIS/ITU-Geneva, GIPI/USA, OneWorld South-Asia, GKP/Malaysia, Panos South-Asia/Kathmandu, UN-ESCAP/Thailand, UN-Solution Exchange, GB Pant Agriculture University, GCNP/Canada, ITiRA/Australia etc.Working on the philosophy and agenda set by UN under their Millennium Development Goals, SEWAA?s work is committed towards the attainment of MDGs objectives for a Healthy, Literate, Hunger and Poverty-Free, Environmentally-Sustainable and Equitable Society. E Gyan Kendra is multi-stakeholders learning initiative of SEWAA to be setup at block/village level in partnership with Village Level Entrepreneurs, Self Help Groups, existing Educational Institutes, Tele/Knowledge Center?s, NGOs/CSOs and individual change makers across the regions. EGK would focus on basic human needs and will use the sustainability of the community as the curriculum to create emergence in all aspects of society.

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