Akhanda Yoga Dham Trust, Tehri Garwhal

Add: Shree Mangal Yoga & Nature Cure Centre, Rishikesh
Tehri Garwhal
Tel : 91-135-2435432
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Contact Person : Yogiraj Dr. Pranab Chaitanya
Purpose : Yoga & yogic healing centre.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Akhanda yoga dam trust, working exclusively through the shree mangal yoga & nature cure centre, has been practicing and propagating the following: Ideal experience and realization programmes through yoga-meditation, yogasana raja-yoga, hatha-yoga, yoga-nidra, yoga-vedanta philosophical studies, teaching & training. Integrated, complete healthcare service through naturopathy, neuroscience, pranic-healing, acupressure, magneto-therapy, chromopathy, reiki-therapy, pancha-tattawa shat-karma, yogic kriyas, and ayurvedic & herbal remedies by way of conducting yoga & naturopath healing camps throughout. Women & children integrated welfare and development programmes, as well as personality development programmes for the present-day youth. Environmental awareness education, afforestration and horticulture programmes. Protection, appropriate management, and distribution of pure, clean drinking water.
Fostering & promoting self-reliance training programmes to create yoga instructors and naturopaths to overcome the ill-effects of unemployment, drug-addition, criminalization, and indiscipline among the youth of our present-day societies. Arrangements for construction of libraries, reading rooms, social welfare centers, health treatment centers, and teaching, training centers with laves & toilets.
Provision of relief and distribution of free food and medical services to the needy poor.
Promotion of cultural & folk-art trends, concepts, and know-how?s. Social awareness programmes in multi-dimensional spheres. Such activities have created consciousness, awareness concern, active participation, encouragement and dedication among the beneficiaries all over and throughout the globe. Future initiatives in development include implementations and propagation of ancient vedic science & knowledge through construction of self-reliant education facilities with advanced nature-cure centers.
We hereby solicit to draw your kind attention to extend us your generosity and endorse the following project to bring about successful, creative, and multifaceted development among the rural poor in remote n villages and all members of the global family.
Description of project grant proposal
broad goals:
to promote the intelligent art of living a healthy, peaceful, spiritual value-based life of lofty ideals & moral values. It should also manifest the inner divinity and spiritual energies of humankind. To awaken the spirit of human beings and arouse them from the deep slumber of inertness, dormancy, and ignorance.
To bring about a creative, multifaceted, integrated development among the rural poor in remote n villages.
To create a special academic system through a yoga-vedanta school and meditation center and yoga naturopath institute to promote, foster, and arrange for the intensive research, practice, formulation, assimilation & apt implementation of multi-dimensional programs. These training and awareness programs will include aspects of spirituality, academia, environment-ecology, and creative art.
To awaken the consciousness, sympathy, and concern for the upkeep and conservation of a pollution-free environment & its natural resources (i.e. Forestation, plantation of herbs, medicinal plants, fruit orchards); to promote apiary, cattle-breeding etc. Conduct awareness programmes, render discourses through camps, seminars to realise the sympathetic loving care of mother nature.
To produce dedicated social work groups experienced in ancient vedic science & knowledge, and modern education self reliant educational facilities that shall serve humankind with truth, purity, perfection, and dedication.
To create a reading library with spiritual books to encourage sanskrit and moral value-based education among the youth & children. Open a center to conduct cultural and social exchange programs to foster social harmony.
REgular practice, experience of ancient culture, and realisation of the individual through yoga-vedanta philosophy (ashtanga yoga, Raja yoga, hatha yoga, yoga-nidra, etc.) and its propagation, teaching, and training.
Practice and propagation of naturopathy, neuroscience, pranic-healing, acupressure, magneto-therapy, chromopathy, reiki-therapy and pancha-tattwa shat-karma yogic kriyas, ayurvedic and herbal remedies for sound health management, peace, and prosperity.
Practice, propagation, and conservation of traditional culture and folk art, including the yogic dances of bharatnatyam, kathak, kuchupuri, etc. Self-reliance training programs to create more yoga instructors and naturopaths to service all nations throughout the world.
Existing beneficial effects from our trust that will continue to spread and expand throughout the globe: a large number of rural and urban people have come forward and highly appreciated the approaches, methods, and techniques of our ancient culture adopted through spiritual healing, yoga & meditation, and nature cure systems in smy nature- cure, rishikesh. After successfully bringing the bodily systems into balance and harmony, as well as acquiring knowledge of healing for individual health and overcoming spiritual problems, millions people have become. Spiritually, mentally/physically, health conscious. Those people have now started taking care of their health by drinking pure protected water, having a balanced and nutritious diet, working in an active and efficient way, and developing good spiritual habits. This has resulted in unity amongst castes, creeds, colors, and religions.
People have become environmentally conscious and have awakened. They have started responding positively to become eco-friendly and nature-lovers. Women have gained recognition and respect in society and have become self-conscious. They have started understanding the eco-friendly society. They are now recognizing the importance of child education. With the introduction of yoga culture and nature cure systems over the past 10 years, the life expectancy rate in our area has increased substantially and past patients? medical bills have been reduced by about 60% to 75% within one year. The real scientific merits of the activities and the potential benefits in the field of yoga and nature cure are that a common man can adopt them as a way of life. He can learn these curing techniques easily to manage his health and cure himself without going to a medical professional. It is proposed to train and encourage common men towards a risk free treatment for himself and his family members and to bring down the number of hospital-going patients. Our institute spreads the health awareness and the education of self-healing suffering and it also helps in upgrading the knowledge, skill and quality of practicing naturopathy to service all human beings.

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