Aagaas Federation, Chamoli
Add : Pipalkoti
Tel : 01372-266588, 0135-2750280
Mobile : 94565 91271
Email : aagaasfederation@gmail.com
Website : www.aagaasngo.org
Contact Person : J.P.Maithani
Purpose : The Organisation Is Working For The Promotion Of Ecotourism In Himalaya Aprt From Thsi Organisation Is Actively Involved. In Environment Education In School System.
Aim/Objective/Mission : The organization is affiliated to earth charter international, earth charter youth group and sayen Asia. Honored by recognition award by world bank in washington dc in 200. Vision to be a leading ngo, spearheading activities for the all round development of the rural communities of uttarakhand, by promoting the rich heritage of the himalayas, while at the same time protecting her fragile eco system mission : to contribute to the economic development of the people of uttarakhand, through various employment generation initiatives which optimize the available natural resources and skills, keeping in mind the environment sustainability of the central himalayan region. The main objectives of aagaas are : to promote various environmentally sustainable initiatives focusing on natural resource conservation and recycle for long term growth and sustainability. Undertake activities for the protection of bio-diversity of the mountain region. To promote the various crafts existing in rural and urban areas of the central himalayan region of uttarakhand, and work for the economic upliftment of craftpersons, women folk and youths of the region. Facilitate technology transfer in areas related to agriculture, horticulture, biotechnology interventions and promotion of local crafts. Support rural marketing and sales through various measures such as establishment of display centers, marketing tie-ups etc provide training for capacity building and skill upgradation in various areas to improve economic independence. The organization is committed to: on for the rural youth in the mountain areas through various new initiatives. Support craft persons practicing different kinds of natural resource based crafts such as hill bamboo ringaal basketry, natural fibre based eco textiles etc. (Himalayan nettle and industrial hemp) provide technical and marketing support to rural initiatives work with individuals and self help groups for the promotion of organic farming, fruit processing, cultivation of medicinal plants, promotion of ecotourism, renewable energy and value added herbs ecotourism- aagaas promoted ecotourism as a livelihood alternative for the rural communities, while at the same time providing opportunities to the tourists to have a first hand experience of the enthralling beauty of the himalayas and delve into the sights and sounds which she has to offer. It conducts tours and treks under the guidance of trained guides and also strives to provide knowledge on the rich flora and fauna that is unique to the himalayan region. Project background the project was developed with the ideas to promote community based tourism, bio-diversity conservation, promotion of lesser and unknown trekking routes around the ndbr, kedarnath wildlife sanctuary and valley of flower, national park, kedarnath wild life sanctuary and pipalkoti town. Project strategy aagaas federation addressed the community needs, prioritized them through the use of participatory methodologies, village meetings and using participatory rural appraisals (pras). The last part of the project strategy was to select local women and men of the villages to be trained in the management of resources for better livelihoods and conservation practices. The locals have been key to success in the program. Mother herbal gardens were established which have now been converted into community managed nurseries and are now centers for conservation of rare, threatened, and extinct herbal plants. A bio-tourism park (btp) at village pipalkoti on the national highwayleading to sri badrinath and valley of flower have been established with the support of undp/gef/sgp. Project achievements bio-tourism park (btp) developed at pipalkoti tourist town in district chamoli on the national highway with 5 tourist huts along with nursery and herbal garden, fish pond, etc. Have been established. Land obtained on lease to form the btp. This ‘institutional approach’ has encouraged community ownerships at local level. Nearly rs. 75, 000 is the income to the local people every year. Tourism facilities such as : tents, sleeping bags, rucksacks, carry mats, rock climbing kit, first aid, qualified instructors organic food and fresh fruit juices c made available through shgs. Main focus is on school adventure camps advocating green & clean himalaya the project benefited more than 3240 families in 3 blocks and 54 villages ( till december 2009) other projects and program undertaken by aagaas skills development in bamboo basketry and natural fiber extraction (ecotextiles) training imparted to 720 persons on ringaal bamboo handicrafts (till 2009), carpet and natural fiber based craft of the project area arts of the project area. 114 shgs with more than 1100 women and youth, tribal communities, bpl families, artisans, hill farmers and artisans formed in project villages. They are a great source for timely and cheap credit for the local women. A total of more than rs. 5 lacs accumulated as savings in shgs. More than 1, 26, 000 plantation of ringaal (arundinaria spp.), bamboo, broad leave fodder plant and temperate grasses transplanted & managed by school children, village panchayats, van panchayats, mahila mangal dals, social army group and rural artisan community. Established a nodal training center-aajivika vatika( livelihood garden) for providing training of bamboo/ringaal and natural fiber based craft development and production. The ngo has addressed the issue of banning plastic carry bags in shri badrinath temple and other tourist spots. It successfully negotiated an agreement with the temple committee for the supply of small ringal bamboo baskets for carrying flowers and as mementos. Integrated fodder and live stock development program. This project is supported by sir ratan tata trust mumbai and himmotthan society dehradun project: himalayan nettle fiber a community based approach to sustainable harvesting, value addition and marketing. Future plans and the way forward develop and implement training programmes for youth to br trained as tourist guides, tour operators, hospitality serviced providers etc. Provide training and support to promote organic farming for eco sustainability and better returns to farmers. Support communities for establishing facilities for value added products for better returns. Create logistic and marketing networks to benefit local farmers take ecotourism to higher levels to attract high networth individuals and foreigners thereby bringing higher visibility to the wonders of the himalayas and better income generation for communities. Affiliation- earth charter international earth charter youth group, costarica. South asia youth environment network india. Training and course available- microplanning and pra. Fruit processing and preservation. Ringaal and bamboo craft and furniture and housing. Environment education and environment awareness capsule. Rock climbing nursery raising and development. Natural fibre processing and de gumming. Organic farming and low cost poly house construction. Water purification and recycling.
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