Bustan Gramodyog Samiti, Dehradun

Add: 15-A kishanpur, Rajpur Road
Tel : 91-135-2104879
Mobile : 91-88020 05103, 91-93683 10521
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Neha Sharma
Purpose :
Aim/Objective/Mission : The word BUSTAN refers to a fruit-yielding orchard, and the name symbolizes what we seek to accomplish. The vision of BUSTAN is to inspire and lead the society and individual towards the sustainable development.
BUSTAN cultivates sustainable models to promote development for under privileged and marginal section of society. It also strives to present sustainable and replicable models for a healthy paradigm of development that serves both individual and society. The experience of self-reliance in lieu of waiting for government assistance is often a first step towards catalyzing renewal and social change.
Help in generating employment and income opportunities by setting up industries in village & other industrial commission/ khadi gramodyog board.
To take all necessary steps for setting up industries & for fulfillment of the aims and objects of society.
Give specific consideration to women, people belonging to scheduled castes & scheduled tribes and other backward classes and the needy.
To render any social, moral and financial assistance to the physically disabled people and people belonging to the weaker sections of the society.
To arrange and provide such medical aid and such other assistance necessary for living to the needy persons who are otherwise incapable or handicapped or mentally or physically retarded and financially uplift any person of poor class.
To establish any institution or society for the welfare of victims of natural calamities and/or to provide food and shelter to any needy person or persons from time to time.
Spread awareness among the people about the need of education, environment protection and other related issues.
To start, maintain and assist in relief measures in those parts which are or become subjected to natural calamities like famine, fire, flood, earthquake etc.
To open, found, establish, maintain and assist leper asylums or other institutions for helping the poor, destitute, widows and orphans.
Work for overall development of the society.
To do all things as are incidental and conductive to the attainment of the above stated objects.

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