Yuva Kalyan Sansthan, Lucknow

Add.: 319/40, Churi Wali Gali Chowk
Pin: 226003
Uttar Pradesh
Phone: 91-522-2254271
Contact Person: Amit Dixit
Purpose :
Aims/Objectives/Mission : The social, mental, moral, character, educational, intellectual and entrepreneur development of youth. Arrangement of schools and collages for poor, girls, handicapped and minority of people according to the standards of state as well as central government. Free meal, education and home arrangement for orphans, handicapped, backward and tribal class of people. Educating people towards the health, education and society through camps, seminar, conference, cultural events etc. Spread of computer literacy. Arrangement of work for dumb, deaf, handicapped, widow, old age, labour etc. Health and social upliftment of the backward class, over backward class, minority, scheduled casts and persons living below the poverty line etc.

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