Tarai Environment Awareness Samiti, Balrampur
Add.: Jesus & Marry College Road, Chota Dhusha
Pin: 271201
Uttar Pradesh
Phone: 91-5263-232727
Email: teas_ngo@rediffmail.com
Website: http://www.teas.web.com
Contact Person: Ajai Kumar Mishra
Purpose : On line resources.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : A society where people are educated and playing positive role through village level institution for bringing about a better change in environment and the income of resource poor community. The change process adopted by the community targeting Gram swaraj and achieving success. For translating the vision into reality following mission has been adopted by the members of Tarai Environment Awareness Sammit. Establish live model of integrated development of resource poor community at Village level and empower a team of trained local people for accelerating the pace of rural development while utilizing the village a training center and the local people as instructors of promoting participatory management process in collaborative manner. Document the process for developing educational material to promote the appropriate process evolved by the TARAI with the help of NGOs having similar vision. Capacity building of youth in information management and technology promotion for development of local resources and skills in producing better gain for all.
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