Seva Marg, Gorakhpur

Add : Panchwati Nagar, Behind Primary School Bharwaliya, Siddarth Enclave
Uttar Pradesh
Tel :
Mobile : 73987 13121
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Contact Person : Hari Krishna
Purpose : Adolescent Girls Welfare, Awareness Generation, Development (General), Environment, Food and Nutrition, Health, Self Help Groups, Women Development/Welfare, Women’S Issues.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Our aim : to create an environment where everyone has a pleasant place to live our objective : to educate, facilitate and empower community for better tomorrow, to increase awareness for healthier surrounding, to reduce child and maternal mortality rate by providing basic health education and access health facilities to disadvantage segment of the community, to provide and facilitate life supported skills to marginalised, our mission : to inspire and empower people for healthier lives our key areas of work: seva marg is founded and promoted by alumni of govind ballabh pant university of ag. & Tech, (gbpua & tech. ) pant nagar is a non- profit making voluntary organisation registered under societies registration act 21, 1860. Ever since its inception from may 2000, it has been involved in various developmental areas like women and child development, health, environment, agriculture, skill development training, rural development, education etc. It has adopted multi sector integrated approach in its plans and policies. It attempts to make a positive difference to the quality of the eastern u p populace, and through comprehensive development strategies to influence policies, build local capacities, and empower communities in core areas such as health, nutrition, rural development and education etc. Seva marg is working in the field of health and nutrition, environment, education, awareness generation on child development issues, safe drinking water and skill development training for people of rural areas, environmental awareness programmes, plantation and community awareness. As we feel change start from mind, so awareness programme is very essential to each component. Training is in priority of the organisation. Gorakhpur, mahrajganj, basti, kushinagar, gonda & santkabir nagar is the working area for the organisation. Seva marg also works for self help group formation, training, and linkages with banks which help in income generation activities of that shgs. Seva marg formed and run several shgs under sgsy programme with district rural development authority of basti. Since last many years seva marg organising national environment awareness campaign with the help of regional resource agency of ministry of environment and forest govt. of India with different themes. In eastern u. p encephalitis is a major problem among the rural society. Thousands of children die every year due to je/aes (japanese encephalitis/acute encephalitis syndrome). Mosquitoes and unsafe drinking water is main reason behind the encephalitis. Seva marg organising campaign on prevention of encephalitis in rural community in district kushinagar, maharajganj, gorakhpur and basti. A school to community approach is also using by the organisation to aware school children who disseminate related messages to their families too. Seva marg also organising hygiene and sanitation awareness campaign among the villagers of sevarhi, dudahi, tamkuhi block of kushinagar, kaudiram, jangal kaudiya, and khorabar block of gorakhpur and bahadurpur, bankati blocks of basti district. To insure the use of safe drinking water also in main agenda of the organisation. Malnutrition is also major problem of eastern u p. People are not very much aware about the nutritional aspect of the diet. Every articles of the food are produced in the rural areas but the producer is malnourished. This situation is due to lack of proper knowledge about the food groups and the role of these in their diet for good health. A common example is in breakfast many people use gram with tea, tea inhibits the absorption of iron content and the people divest with increasing iron level in their body. Seva marg is focused to aware rural women because women fixed the nutritional aspect of the food at domestic level, they select, processed and cooked the food and that are consumed by the family members, so awareness in women are much more important to fight malnutrition. Anaemia is also a major problem in the rural India. Adolescent girls and women (under 45 years) are the main sufferer for these types of problems. There are a controversial things in the rural area where many foods are grown but the population of these area are comes under the malnutrition. Seva marg help in the field of proper selection of food to these villagers for fight against such type of problems, organisation also assisting in de-warming of adolescent girls of rural areas, seva marg organising village meetings of rural women on regular basis at their own village, where discussion about locally available food and their role in good community health. On the same place discussion about women empowerment also carried out. The society is also working in the field of women empowerment, and has been formed several self help groups (shgs) with the help of rural development deportment up, these shgs has been linked with nationalised banks and the process of micro finance, training of shgs on shg management and entrepreneurship development is in continues stage. Evening tuition classes for poor children of shg members is also conducted by the organisation with help of our volunteers. Tuberculosis is a fatal disease which is increasing day by day in eastern up. Department of health provides free dots medicine to tb patients through rntcp programme. This is compulsory to consume dots medicine on regular basis by tb patients, in case of irregularity mdr (multi drug resistant) condition may arise and treatment becomes difficult and more fatal. Tb is a disease of poorer. Most of tb patients are labourer and they are less or no educated. Some patients drops medicine when they feel better (but not negative in sputum test) due to unawareness that causes mdr and patients becomes again more serious. Seva marg is working for awareness generation for tb, referralsuspects of tb to nearest dmc for sputum test, counselings of patient and family, sputum collection from house hold and transport till dmcs for tb test are doing in district gorakhpur and gonda. Tobacco and its products causes adverse impact over the society and causes several diseases like cancer, asthma and oral diseases, organisation works for eradication of these things for a healthy community with the help of campaign and community education, handicraft, food processing, garment making & such many activities were conducted under vocational training programme. Students from poor socio-economic section group are the main beneficiary of these programmes. The eastern part of the Uttar Pradesh where migration of people is a major problem, youth migrates to metro cities for search of employment they left behind their family, during migration period the possibility of infection with hiv/aids to these youths. Seva marg works for the awareness of hiv/aids in the rural area of gorakhpur, devi patan and basti dvision i. e. Kushinagar, deoria, mahrajganj, gorakhpur, santkabir nagar, gonda & siddhartha nagar. Under agriculture development programme seva marg works with rural women for promotion of vegetables, flowers cultivation etc. Development of home gardening is a focused programme that has potency to availability of fresh vegetables any time at domestic level. It will helpful to enrich the diet with minerals and vitamins without any cost and become helpful to improve health status of individual. Seva marg is continuously approaching to rural women to establish home garden in/around there homes and seeds of vegetable are providing to them by the organisation. Training on food processing & preservation also be provide to these women, which help in the up-liftment of health status as well as to improve socio economic condition of the family.

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