Self Employed Women’S Association (SEWA), Lucknow

Add : 474/1ka/4, Brahm Nagar, Sitapur Road
Uttar Pradesh
Tel : 0522-2743259
Mobile : 94151 02206
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Runa Banerjee
Purpose : Social Work.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Self-employed women s association (sewa-Lucknow) is an autonomous organisation of chikan artisans. Impetus for setting up sewa-Lucknow came from a unicef sponsored study conducted in 1979 on the condition of chikan artisans. The study established that over 40, 000 chikan artisans working in and around Lucknow were highly exploited in the industry even as middlemen made hay. As a result, chikan artisans lived in shanty localities and suffered from poverty they and their offspring were illiterate, and their families had poor health. Objectives to ensure that chikan craftswomen get sufficient work at fair wages without exploitation by middlemen net work and partner with fair trade social minded organisations for marketing to identify and develop promising new markets for chikan products to organize chikan workers by developing their confidence, leadership potential and sense of security to train members in purchase, production, management, marketing and accounting to upgrade the skills of artisans through training programmes which will improve the quality and range of their work to revive and revitalize the traditional craft and take it to its original level of refinement to provide a strong platform for artisans which women can bargain for higher wages from traders and middlemen to ensure social benefits like educational and health facilities for members and their children vision to set up an egalitarian and gender just society mission to serve the marginalized women by providing them training linked with production and marketing, and by eliminating middlemen for their socio-economic empowerment and sustainable development.

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