Saroj Devi Chairitable & Social Welfare Society, Allahabad

Add.: 890, Near Neta Chaurakha
Pin: 211006
Uttar Pradesh
Phone: 91-532-2504070
Contact Person: Bhanu Singh
Purpose : Education, employment, environment, health, micro-enterprises, poverty, rural development, sanitation, training, urban development, water, women’s issues.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Our aim is integrated development. We have a social base and human face. Our aim is to spread out in all the states in India and to reach out to the poor families, substantially increase their income and upgrade their quality of life. Development through education is our route. This can be achieved by empowerment of women, upgrading the skills of the youth through training. Watershed development healthcare and other activities which would benefit the community at large. Art and culture, child welfare, disadvantaged communities, disaster management, economics and finance, education, employment, environment, forestry, health, intellectual property, local administration, poverty, rural development, sanitation, science and technology, sustainable development, training, tribal issues, water, women’s issues.

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