SAMNC – Dr. Salim Ali Memorial Nature Club, Mahoba
Add.: Sindhi Colony, Gandhi Nagar
Pin: 210427
Uttar Pradesh
Contact Person: Awdhesh Kumar Sharma
Purpose : Environment, forest and wild life conservation.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Conservation of environment, forest and wild life. Providing environmental education to the people to create awareness about protection, preservation and conservation of their environment and natural resources. Conservation and preservation of environmentally vulnerable natural heritage sites which are not covered under the federal and the state government program. Undertaking survey and census of forest and environmental resources, and wild life. Collecting pertinent information. Organizing workshop, meetings and talks about conservation of forest and environment for common people. Publishing creative literature about forest, environment and biological diversity as well as the translation of such literature from other languages. Building community libraries of environment related reading and audio-visual material.
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