Saksham India Trust, Lucknow
Add.: A 1022, Indira Nagar
Pin: 226016
Uttar Pradesh
Phone: 91-522-2345463
Mobile: 91-98390 83805
Contact Person: Ashish Chakravorty
Purpose : Education, health, women empowerment, rural development, agriculture, microfinance, promotion rural product.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : The Trust believes in social justice: a world where everyone has the right to build a future free from poverty and deprivation. To work with the poor using their own skills and knowledge to develop sustainable solutions to poverty. Based on our own experience, inform and influence local, national and global debates on development. We aim to be efficient and accountable in supporting the delivery of high quality programmes. We are committed to learning from own experiences and facilitating the learning to others. The Trust is committed to supporting the most vulnerable members of society to achieve their full potential. We see the empowerment of the communities we work with as a central to our approach. We seek to build on local knowledge by working in partnership with local communities.
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