Natyadeep Cultural & Social Society, Bijnor

Add : Basant Sadan, Rani Bag Colony, Near- Mkd School, Dhampur
Uttar Pradesh
Tel : 01344-230230
Mobile : 93599 27555
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Dr. Rajendra Chaudhry
Purpose : Art And Culture.
Aim/Objective/Mission : The aims and objectives of natyadeep are to promote the general interests of professional folk performers on the basis of their own needs, requirements, and visions of the future, while guarding the democratic functioning of the organization. To stimulate the cooperation and exchange between rural & urban performers at the organizational and the artistic level. To explore the artistic potential of various folk forms and to improve the quality of folk performances. To involve the younger generation in the theatre so as to ensure the continuity of the tradition. To make expertise in theatre and the communication networks which the theatre commands available to other organizations and persons. To stimulate the exchange between folk performers and representatives of other theatrical styles in and outside india. The natyadeep tries to realize the above objectives through five principal activities basic training in folk aimed at the younger generation and provision of advanced, specialized training for professional male and female performers. The production of new plays featuring innovative and traditional themes. The organization of the annual national theatre festival. The running of the youth theatre club this is a new activity.

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