Naina Sanskratik Vikas Prashikshan Sansthan, Banda
Add : Bhaggu Ka Purwa, Nagnedhi Atarra
Uttar Pradesh
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Mobile : 90057 32797
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Contact Person : Arvind Sha
Purpose : Agriculture, Child Welfare, Irrigation, Livelihood, Natural Resource Management, Rural Development, Water, Women Development/Welfare.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Naina sanskratik vikas prashikshan sansthan, atarra (bundelkhand) Uttar Pradesh vision working for sustainable and all round development of marginalized and socially deprived population the mission ?people?s centered development through mutual sharing and caring? is the motto of the sansthan. The main thrust of its entire programmed remains on providing empowerment by creating knowledge, skill, motivation and capabilities for livelihood activities and a better society based on social economic and political justice. Aims and objective the aims of the institute is enabling people to realize their full potential and right to execute programmers of their development at their own by thinking together, planning together and acting together. The institute marks qualitative shifts in the very theory and practice of development by putting people in the center stage and making them the means as well as end of development. A typical village selected by naina is usually in the poorest areas of the district banda, with little or no government interventions and a high concentration of sc/st/obc/dalit communities riddled with casteism and patriarchy. The village typically has around 100 households and 1000 inhabitants. The most common income sources are agriculture and livestock. Given the lack of adequate electricity and irrigation facilities, farmers depend highly on monsoons which are usually too light and infrequent to cater to their needs. Low agricultural yield also takes toll on the cattle that depends on it, and hence milk productivity is also low. Villagers have limited other sources of income, like beedi making, sewing, etc. Which give very meager returns. Village road connectivity is basic, with many paths within the village unreachable by four-wheelers. Most people still practice open bathing and defecation. There are limited education and medical options within the village and inhabitants have to visit nearby big towns for higher education or serious illnesses. A typical family in the village is a big household with grandparents, parents, children, uncles/aunts etc. They live in kuchcha houses and don t have access to regular electricity or running water. Women perform the lion share of work in the household. They wake up early morning and fetch water, then cook for the family, clean the house and complete all chores, feed the livestock and tend to the farms. They support men in equal measure during sowing and harvesting but rarely have a say in household or monetary decisions. The village people do not have the luxury of convenient schedules of town people, nor do they get leaves from work or any privileges or benefits. They live in the most difficult circumstances and perform the most strenuous tasks on a daily basis. They face impossible challenges and yet have simple aspirations. Naina sansthan professionals and the villagers have a very close relationship. Professionals wake up early and often make morning visits to the villages. They walk in the farms in the sun with them, eat the local food together, get their hands dirty by doing the tasks themselves which are prescribed for farmers, such as weeding, making vermin-compost, testing milk quality, and so on. Many a times they live in the villages and experience life without toilets and electricity. They work as per the schedule of the villagers, paying no heed to night or day, sun or rain, summer or winter. There are no working hours or days. Without this kind of ownership, empathizing with the villages, understanding their needs/challenges/aspirations and working together with them to improve their life condition is not possible, and this is what we are proud of at naina. Main activities & past experience- define the prototype/ activity each project undertaken by naina has led to significant achievements. Here we list only achievements registered under an ongoing project entitled ?empowerment of women and marginalized poor for better realization of entitlements and rights, and better governance, through democratic means in rural area of one of India s poorest districts being carried out with dalit foundation new Delhi in 5 villages of mahuwa block of banda district of uttar pradesh: people s organizations formed in 5 villages for democratic demand of rights and entitlements. 100 members of dalit vikas sangathans (community-based advocacy body) and shgs trained in pri, rti and various government schemes. Black marketing in pds rations stopped. Closed health and icds centers opened payment of fictitious wages under mgnrega stopped. Mid-day meal supply regularized block and district administrative officers sensitized to problems of target community. Some important quantitative achievements: pending wages of rs. 1 lakes received by mgnerga labor. 50 women of shgs linked to regular saving.. Number of drop out children decreased. 45 drop out children re-enrolled. Mgnerga job cards of 70 families made with the efforts of dalit vikas sangathans 55families got full 100 days employment under mgnerga. 20 families got possession of agricultural land and started cultivating. Date: 19th december, 2013: visit to project village of naina, atarra(banda) observations: here the lift irrigation system has been implemented in a ravine area (with vary undulating topography) and two sub-system have been installed to cover about 64 acres of lands. Most of the work as per design is completed. A few farmers have started using the system. However, it was found that farmers are facing difficulties in controlling the water discharged at outlets. Farmers themselves have started developing their lands with field bunding. This is very healthy indication. One farmer has adopted deep pit method to grow a few plants of chilli and brinjal. These showed promising result. It is reported that one chilli plant produced 900 gram of green chilly in single picking. The brinjal plants showed very good growth (with 70 odd fruits hanging from its branches). Suggestions and scope for improvement: a tank could be constructed at a selected outlet to demonstrate proper control over water discharged from the outlet. It was found that land condition with its steep slopes is not very conducive for practicing normal irrigation methods. The project demands innovative ways to manage irrigation water effectively. This has been discussed with the community. Pradeep would help in designing the tank and help naina to implement it. deep pit method of vegetables cultivations could be further tried in coming kharif season to promote vegetables in hill slopes. This would demonstrate the potential of vegetables cultivation in such terrain without investment terracing.
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