Manav Kalyan Pratisthan, Fatehpur

Add.: 72, Ismaile Ganj
Pin: 212601
Uttar Pradesh
Phone: 91-5180-224647
Contact Person: Ramesh Tiwari
Purpose :
Aims/Objectives/Mission : MKP vision is To facilitate the process of emergence of a self-reliant, just, equitable and self-sustaining civil society. MKP mission is to be helping the rural mosses specially women in their overall development and empowerment in terms of upgrading their mental and physical faculties and financial resources to bring them to the level of human sustenance. Creation of a community conscientised, awards and educated enough to take care of its integrated development. Helping the Handicapped by innovative approaches and rural people and women masses by their basic needs, up-gradation of their skills through various income generations programmes, education & health services. To promote Gandihian philosophy for self-reliance of villages. Empowerment of the rural poor and disadvantaged particularly women by supporting programme through capacity building and self-help initiative at the level of community based organisation (CBOs) and SELF HELP GROUP (SHGs) providing gender equity, equal partnership in development and economic upliftment. MKP Goals are Empowerment of the disadvantaged community in such a way, that they can utilize their potential and resources for their all-round development, in a sustainable manner. To enable participatory process of development for the realization of the full human potential among people, CBOs etc. through mobilization of resources-physical and human & they is optimal utilization to actualize our vision.

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