Janta Sewa Samiti, Basti

Add.: Nyay Marg Katra, Gandhi Nagar
Pin: 272001
Uttar Pradesh
Mobile: 91-94542 72100
Contact Person: Jai Prakash
Purpose :
Aims/Objectives/Mission : The main objectives of the organization is to work for the overall development of the deprived and disadvantaged communities irrespective of casts, creed and religion so that they may contribute positively and become part of development process. For achieving this objective, Janta Sewa Samiti has taken up several projects/ programmes through which disadvantaged/ vulnerable sections of the society, through their active involvement at all levels, could develop confidence and be able to manage their own affairs and in turn become self reliant and become part of developmental efforts. The Mission of the organization is to empower urban and rural poor and developing their skills and capacity, as a result of which they can play a meaningful role in society.

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