Indian Education & Development Foundation, Amroha

Add : 24/105, Shahi Chabootra
Uttar Pradesh
Tel : 05922-263553
Mobile : 98976 16245
Email :
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Contact Person : Muntazeem Ahmed
Purpose : Awareness Generation, Child Rights, Development (General), Disaster Management, E-Governance, E-Learning, Education, Employment, General – Social Welfare, Governance, Herbal Medicine, Human Development, Industry, Information and Communications Technology, Labour, Law, Legal Awareness, Library, Local Administration, Media, Medical Relief, Mentally Handicapped Persons, Micro-Enterprises, Minorities, Natural Resource Management, Ngo Management, Old Aged Welfare, Orphanage, Peace, Physically Disabled, Pollution, Population, Poverty, Research, Rural Development, Science and Technology, Shelter Home, Social Awareness, Right To Information, Trade and Industry Welfare, Tribal Development, Urban Development, Volunteers, Water, Women Development/Welfare, Women’S Issues, Youth.
Aim/Objective/Mission : The aims and objects of the ied foundation are as under: to provide and spread primary, secondary & higher education by establishing and/or collaborating with schools, colleges, institutions, libraries, research in the education field. To address the educational needs of the senior citizens and children and to provide academic education, training and job oriented vocational training to specific age groups. To achieve complete literacy and to work for promotion of education, to work towards elimination of practice of child labour and to take appropriate steps for their rehabilitation, to implement and co-ordinate various activities relating to welfare of people belonging to scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, other backward classes and minority groups and also engage itself in related research activities, to implement and co-ordinate various projects aimed towards development and maintenance of environment, plantations and all other projects/issues for dealing bio-diversities and also to carry out research activities. To work towards maintaining social harmony, to make efforts for the overall development of the society, to promote moral and ethical values through social and educational institutions for inculcating self-discipline and developing an ideal national character, to implement a job-oriented and labour-based educational system, establish, manage and run such educational institutions for meeting the needs, aspirations and welfare of every section of society, to set-up and run training centres in remote rural areas of the state, to uplift the educational and economic standards of the deprived sections of society, and to eliminate their prevailing bad social customs, illiteracy, dowry system, child marriage, fanaticism etc. , to establish and run various welfare centres to promote de-addiction, welfare of senior citizens, physically and mentally handicapped persons and overall human development, to establish, manage and run high level training colleges to bring out personalities in the fields of science, education, literature and sports, to implement and research on projects relating to panchayat & social welfare and rural development, to work on projects for animal husbandry, animal medical care and animal rights and to implement projects on development of fisheries, to work for resource-less and poor people by active involvement in rural development through public participation and to co-ordinate with social activities, to create awareness and implement various projects on public health and family welfare and to organize awareness movement for population control, to organize and conduct programmes on health, education and sanitation, create public awareness to control population and to prevent epidemics and to arrange for basic facilities, to work for conservation of soil and energy, to create public awareness about aids and other diseases and to work for preventive measures. Also to promote blood donations and organize camps for the same, to solicit and receive financial support from national and international organizations for welfare activities and to organize workshops/ programmes in backward rural areas as well as for women. Also to intensively work for consumer awareness and for protection of their respective rights, to promote cow protection and cow care and to intensively work for their protection, to carry out and implement, for the integrated development of the society, various schemes/projects in the fields of education, health, water conservation, irrigation, land reforms etc. , securing due cooperation from time to time from the administration, to make the rural women self-reliant by organizing their self-help groups (shgs) and to train and promote them, to implement various integrity based programmes to develop the leadership capacity of the society and inculcating the sense of belongings amongst people of all groups and religion, to work for the development of traditional agriculture and social forestry and to carry out various schemes to promote medicinal and aromatic plantations, to carry out various child development projects to provide opportunities for the proper development of children. Also to implement various schemes relating to family welfare, nutritious food, primary education, health, entertainment etc. , for the intellectual, psychological and physical development of the children, to establish libraries, music academy, art center and gymnasium for promoting social and educational up-gradation. Publication papers and magazines on health and to work for the maintenance and protection of antique and archaeological collections of India. Also to establish, manage and run the educational and training institutions for promoting sanskrit language and age-old knowledge system of India, to identify such historical, cultural and spiritual/religious places of ancient India, known as symbols of social integrity and to work for their protection and conservation and also to establish and manage cultural and spiritual institutions, to bring about social awareness and to take steps, with the cooperation of administration as well as public, against corruption, injustice, atrocities and wrongful acts, to impart training to socially and economically backward communities, tribes, women and landless/small farmers, for the proper exploitation of natural resources and develop non-agriculture sources of income. Also to organize them into small saving groups and to educate them for working together, to implement projects for development of rural sources of livelihood and to provide market for the sale of agricultural and other rural products, to manage, train and research on various schemes relating to watershed, participatory irrigation management, development of fallow land and integrated sanitation, to make every possible efforts to control/manage the situation arising out of natural calamities like flood, earthquake, draught, epidemic etc and to provide necessary relief to the victims by securing financial and material support/assistance from other institutions, agencies and persons, to manage and implement all governmental and non-governmental schemes meant for human welfare and to secure financial and other assistance from national and international agencies/organizations, to carry out various schemes for the development of handicraft and to arrange for necessary training and availability of techniques for artisans to make them self-reliant, to establish such animal husbandry and agriculture based cooperative production training centres which are economically self-reliant and help the society for reducing the dependence on outside help (governmental as well as non-governmental) for developmental works, to work for the social and economic development of rural areas in cooperation, apart from government, with financial institutions like commercial banks, insurance companies and business houses of corporate sector, to arrange training programmes and develop necessary material for capacity building of government and non-government agencies and its employees and to monitor and evaluate various projects, to engage in all kinds of developmental work meant for the welfare of people living in urban slum areas.

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