Gramin Punarnirman Sansthan-Gps, Azamgarh

Add : Bilari, Barhya
Uttar Pradesh
Tel :
Mobile : 94511 13651
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Contact Person : Rajdev Chaturvedi
Purpose : Adolescent Girls Welfare, Advocacy On Social Issues, Agriculture, Awareness Generation, Child Rights, Climate Change, Community Development, Education, Employment, Environment, Food and Nutrition, Gender, General – Social Welfare, Governance, Human Rights, Legal Awareness, Livelihood, Local Self Governance (Panchayati Raj).
Aim/Objective/Mission : Background history of organization founder secretary mr. Rajdev chaturvedi since his student life, he has been very sensitive about the issues of women and marginalized community. He entered in social sector in 1990, when he first time interacted with prem bhai reputed social worker with sarvodaya background of banwasi sewa ashram-sonbhadra, uttar pradesh. During the one-hour discussion with him, mr. Rajdev inspired with the sarvodaya (upliftment of all) ideology and gandhian philosophy of development. He realized and decided to work for the upliftment of poor and marginalized community with especial focus on women. In order to shape his development vision, he set-up an organization named gramin punarnirman sansthan-gps in azamagarh with some like-minded people. His organization got registered in 1992 under the societies registration act. In inception stage, he started work in community with women of dalit and marginalized community in rights framework in atrauliya block of district azamgarh and initially focused on the issues of women health. Currently gps has been focusing on issues of women empowerment by strengthening their understanding about their rights and entitlements, and promoting their voices in local self governance and govt. Machinery. Gps has been also focusing on issues of reproductive and child health, right to information and gender equality in association with various state level networks and forums. His key area of competency are- cbo facilitation with rights perspective, women and child health promotion, liaisoning and cbo-led advocacy with stakeholders. Vision : to realized the dream of a developed and self dependent rural community, sufficiently empowered to achieve gram swaraj (rural self governance ) in its true sense. Mission : gramin punarnirman sansthan believes in the dignity of the people and in their capacity to overcome the pressures that exploits them. Therefore gps develops autonomous groups to achieve the objective of development and self-reliance by capacity building.

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