Bundelkhand Sewa Sansthan, Lalitpur
Add : 586, Madawara
Uttar Pradesh
Tel : 05172-230388
Mobile : 94154 12961
Email : bssltp@rediffmail.com
Website : www.bssindia.ngo
Contact Person : Basudev
Purpose : Livelihood, Local Self Governance (Panchayati Raj), Rural Development, Tribal Development.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Our Vision society where social justice, equality and equability prevail our Mission to strengthen the social, educational and economical capacities of poor, dalit tribal and marginalized communities and farmers which are deprived of their fundamental human rights and to ensure that they live with self-esteem and respectful life. To form and strengthen community based organizations for creating social, economic and environment supporting to equitable society to strengthen the women, poor and other marginalized communities through formation of community based institutions to empower the rural communities by reducing their dependence on money lenders to strengthen the livelihoods of local communities by facilitating natural resource management and improved cropping practices to improve interrelationship between communities and environment by strengthening their linkages to empower the rural communities and make them aware about their rights and entitlements to strengthen the panchayati raj institutions (pris) for enhancing their roles and responsibilities in village development.
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