Anuragini, Orai
Add : 273 Patel Nagar, Orai
Uttar Pradesh
Tel : 05162250790
Mobile : 94502 97570
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Dr. Praveen Singh Jadaun
Purpose : Agriculture, Child Labour, Child Rights, Cultural Heritage, Cultural Issues, Distance Learning, Education, Energy, Environment, Food and Nutrition, Forest Management, Group Promotion.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Anuragini (NGO) Vision is of a world where everyone has access to basic services like education & health, have livelihood and contribute in making a peaceful and just society with dignity and respect to all. Mission of the organization is Removal of poverty and inequality by empowering women and children, and converting them into a vibrant society through promotion of education and awareness. In brief we are keen to transform the development scenario of our service area slowly and surely.
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