Amar Nirmal Education and Social Welfare Society, Mahoba

Add : 3, Kharela
Uttar Pradesh
Tel : 05283-269534
Mobile : 72757 63326
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Bhanu Pratap Singh
Purpose : Agriculture, Awareness Generation, Ayurveda, Child Welfare, Community Development, Development (General), E-Governance, E-Learning, Education, Employment, Environment, General – Social Welfare, Governance, Human Development.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Amar nirmal education & social welfare society estblished in jun 2014. Name amar nirmal is inspired from our parents name. Objective of the society is to socially empower the rural people by giving them computer education, english education and digital education. Our society is also working to provide rural people skill training and also help them to get the respected job. We want to make rural people digital literrate so that they can utilize government scheme effectively. Our society want to give training to the rural people so that they can learn about the basic rights.

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