Walk for Water, Hyderabad

Add : Survey 61-62, 12, Ward-8, Block-3, Hanuman Nagar, Saroornagar Mandal, Karmanghat
Tel :
Mobile : 98494 33311
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Karunakara Reddy
Purpose : Corporate Social Responsibility, Environment, Pollution, Rural Development, Sanitation, Sustainable Development, Water Awareness Of Clean Water.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Walk for water aims to bring the 1. 2 billion hearts of India to beat for the same cause ? ?water now, water tomorrow, safe water for all! In line with the ambitious motto, we plan to involve all the different strata of the Indian society for the momentum. The children and youth of the nation would be the torch bearers in this long walk! As the future ambassadors, they will ensure water responsible future, and inculcate water sensitivity in their families, colonies, villages and towns etc. Through them, and with the help of the governments and other institutions, we will move towards a water secure India/ water secure world very soon.

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