Surya Seva Sadan, Karimnagar

Add : 2-11, NTR Colony, Kolimikunta, Choppadandi
Tel :
Mobile : 98663 98766
Email :
Websit :
Contact Person : Ravikumar Macherla
Purpose : Advocacy On Social Issues, Agriculture, Art And Culture, Awareness Generation, Child Labour, Child Rights, Child Welfare, Development (General), Disability, Employment, Food And Nutrition, General – Social Welfare, Health, Hiv/Aids, Human Development, Human Rights, Indigenous Knowledge, Labour, Legal Awareness, Library, Mentally Handicapped Persons, Old Aged Welfare, Orphanage, Peace, Physically Disabled, Plantation, Pollution, Poverty, Rehabilitation, Rural Development, Sanitation, Shelter Home, Social Awareness, Right To Information, Training, Urban Development, Volunteers, Water, Women Development/Welfare, Yoga, Youth.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Currently we are running three projects save the guest: in the part of this project, we are working for mentally challenged orphans, who are begging and roaming on streets. We are taking initiate to provide safe food, water, clothes and medication to them. Just we are providing with the help of related people like, food from hotels, clothes from cloth merchants. Our volunteers daily picks up the food from hotels and provide to those persons. Bless the child: for orphan child we are acting as mediators, between child and resource persons and organizations. We are providing necessaries like books from book sellers, clothes from cloth merchants, and groceries from kirana merchants for needy children. We are conducting essay writing, painting, and indoor games competitions to develop the child. All is well: this project is completely on emergency issues of the society. Like emergency blood need, fuel need on high way rods at night times, and support for all type of physical, mental, economical, social emergencies. To fulfill all types of aims and objectives of our organization we are making teams at every village of telangana state.

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