Sewah Foundation, Nalgonda

Add.: 1-1-186, Main Road, Suryapet
Pin: 508213
Mobile: 91-94915 94389
Contact Person: Sridharr.G
Purpose :
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Sewah is a voluntary organization working for a broader concept of empowerment and development of the down trodden layman. Sewah strives for achieving this broader objective successfully based on its diversified and multifaceted potential and professional expertise which make it possible to address any issue in a comprehensive approach. The activities of sewah correspond to the ideals enshrined in the constitution of India with due respect to the fundamental rights as well as fundamental duties. It aims at fulfilling the gaps that occur in the functioning of the state while implementing its policies and programmes wherein consideration of some ground realities and practical situations is technically not feasible. Its basic purpose is to act as a facilitator and conduit between the democratic institutions and the people. It is an initiator of social action for public purpose.

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