Praja Arogya Yojana Society, Nalgonda
Add : 4/537, Laxmipuram Colony, Kodad
Tel :
Mobile : 98663 93590
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Ramakrishna Tumati
Purpose : Awareness Generation, Cancer Patients Help, Child Labour, Child Rights, Environment, Food And Nutrition, Health, Hiv Aids, Social Awareness, Traditional Health, Women Development Welfare, Youth Rural Health awareness, Thalassemia, Diabetes, Hypertenshion, Blood Donation Camps Etc.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Praja Arogya Yojana Society (PAYS) is a registered non government organization by service oriented people to help the poor and the needy in the rural and urban areas especially in the issues of health and environment. It was registered under public societies registration act 2001 vide the regd. No: 641/2013. This organization founder and general secretary is ramakrishna.tumati by the supportive of dedicated members and health volunteers in different sectors. Vision is to give services to the people and create good health environment. Mission is work together to build confidence among people in health issues by motivating them towards prevention. Aim is to create good health & environment for the community objectives improve health outcomes for people with diabetes suggestions for prevent the development of type 2 diabetes stop discrimination against people with diabetes rural health service center (rhsc) organized for rural areas to utilized free medical service dwacra women self help group member. Assist and organize and undertake rehabilitation reconstruction programs aimed at economic development of the people for areas affected by nature calamities like floods, cyclones, droughts, earth quakes etc. Create good environment to the people.
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