Plexus Organisation, Hyderabad

Add : 12-2-835/3/1, Sri Ram Nagar Colony, Mehdipatnam
Tel :
Mobile : 80080 01231, 88868 65866, 97033 00095
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : D. Ajay
Purpose : Social Work.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Team Plexus is happy to introduce Plexus organization for people(pop), an indian based social welfare non-gov. Organization (ngo), born out of the desire to help and support the right causes in the society. We at Plexus work with an objective to change the destinies of the children that are desperate, needy, unloved and uncared for by the society. We as a team want to bring hope to the underprivileged and orphaned kids by providing them with the much needed food, education and health. Plexus means a bunch of nerves, a needed collection for the proper functioning of the body. We at Plexus aspire for the same. We want to be the fibers connecting everything together spreading positive thoughts and energy for a healthy functioning society which is the first and the most needed step towards the development of the country and everyone living in it. We as a team want to take recognition through the happiness of the people, whose lives we had the honor to touch and help change for the better. Team Plexus encourage compassionate people to become the rays of hope for those who need it the most in this world. As the name suggests we all work together as a bunch, doing our best with what we have and we would very much like to welcome the like-minded people out there to come join us in this small step towards good. Commitments: we at Plexus organization for people commit ourselves- identify and work for the good of the underprivileged kids around us, by providing them with food and education. Not only educate the children but also make self-sufficient and healthy citizens both physically and mentally, who are well off to sustain a good quality life. That end act as a resource and collaborate with other agencies – governmental or non-governmental, as well as suitably intervene in policy formulation. Encourage and educate people about the good and need for a blood donation.

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