Mano Prakash Human Services, Nalgonda

Add.: 1-1-188/2, JJ Nagar, Suryapet
Pin: 508213
Phone: 91-8684 223480
Mobile: 91-94406 68093
Contact Person: N.Renuka
Purpose : Education, health, NRM, water, women empowerment, child development, rural development, disability.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : To uplift for women and child development programmers such as creche centers, condensed courses, tailoring, embroidery, fashion technology, computer training, making of income generating items to the women of rural and urban areas to earn their livelihood. To educate rural youth in poultry farming, sheep forming Agriculture related programmer, etc. To organize classes for academic and vocational training to the illiterate man and women of rural and urban areas as well as working women is providing hostel accommodation. To conduct consumer awareness programs. To organize Camps & campaign against child labor by education their parents. To develop the live stock by providing better feed and fodder grass through revised crop plan. To organize self help groups for women farmers and disabled and provide loans assistance to take up income generating schemes for self employment and self reline. To conduct child rights programmer to borrow financial assistance from the Nationalized Banks for agriculture and rural development and Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK) and other national and international institutions to achieve the aims and objective of the association. To develop small scale industries for supplementary income, better use of agriculture produce and to new employment.

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