Jana Vikas Society (JVS), Khammam

Add : Main Road, Chintur
Tel :
Mobile : 83338 86103
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Website :
Contact Person : Jatavati Venkatesh
Purpose : Advocacy On Social Issues, Child Labour, Child Rights, Community Development, Education, Environment, Food And Nutrition, Tribal Development, Tribal Issues, Youth.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Empowerment of marginalized communities especially tribal and excluded communities establish a just humanity, where all community specially the marginalized sections of the society and children can enjoy equal opportunity by government, rights, freedom, justice, participation, informed decision making and ability to resolve the issues for their all round development irrespective of class, caste, creed, sex, race, religion and they can exercise their rights build the capacities of the tribal and marginalized people on their rights and develop their skills through advocacy and lobby empower the people especially the tribal & marginalized sections of the community and build up their capacities. Raise the income level of the poor people especially the tribal by eliminating exploitation and creating various need-based sustainable lively hood options. Education make them self reliant through participatory decision-making processes. Raise the educational standard of the children by creation of different alternative systems and opportunities. Health mobilize and provide health services for the deprived sections of the community especially the tribal through community-based initiatives in the area of primitive, preventive and curative health. Environment natural resource management trough community participation in tribal area. Creation of awareness on environment.

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