Institute for Managing Demographic and Social Research, Hyderabad

Add : 1-1-686/B, 1st Floor, Above More Super Market, New Bakaram, Gandhi Nagar
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Mobile : 81257 97543
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Contact Person : Kesana Nitesh
Purpose : Social Work
Aim/Objective/Mission : Institute for managing demographic and social research (IMDSR) is a non-profit society. It was founded with the objective to restore the human rights. In order to carry out social programmes, it performs many programmes like motivation, education, communication, training, implementation, maintenance, conduct various studies/surveys and third party verifications. IMDSR supports various government and nongovernmental organizations. IMDSR has associated with different groups involved in development process and established good linkages with other development organizations across the states of Telangana, andhra Aradesh, Mumbai, Karnataka and new Delhi.

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