Hitha Sayodya Foundation, Kodad
Add : 3-213/4/5/19, Sharadha Sadhan, Suguna College Road, Nayanagar
Tel :
Mobile : 80193 94948
Email : hithasayodya.org@gmail.com
Website :
Contact Person : Naveen Sampeta
Purpose : Agriculture, Child Welfare, Cow Protection Centre (Goushala), Development (General), Disaster Management, E-Learning, Economics And Finance, Education, Environment, Food And Nutrition.
Aim/Objective/Mission : To promote, protect and proper utilization of natural resources, environmental programees, to organize organic farming rural and urban areas and to protect animals, birds. To provide the relief and rehabilitation the victims of natural and man-made calamities and tackle the issues wherever possible. To seek co-operation and collaboration of government agencies, banks, local voluntary originations, indian foreign non government organizations in all possible ways to improve social, economical, cultural and psychological aspects of poorer sections of the society. To support with appropriate scientific knowledge and impart training necessary for their growth in all spheres development such as organizational, agricultural, technological, educational ect.
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