Yesuraja Trust, Dharmapuri

Add.: Police Colony, Pauparapatti
Pin: 626809
Tamil Nadu
Phone: 91-4342-245330
Contact Person: C. Dhurai Mony
Purpose : Education and health care.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : To promote advance educational, medical, social and moral welfare of the people in general. To establish maintain and manage colleges, schools and other educational institutions and libraries for the advancement of knowledge in any subject and manage institution for imparting technical knowledge in any handcraft or industry. To establish maintain and manage any institution for imparting technical knowledge in any handicraft industry. To establish, maintain boarding houses or hostels for students studying in such schools, colleges and other educational institutions. To give grant-in-aid to the deserving schools, colleges and other medical institutions. To award scholarships or stipends to the meritorious and or needy students to enable them to prosecute their studies and to aware prizes to the students for proficiency. To provide medical relief for the poor including construction and maintenance of hospitals and dispensaries, maternity homes and children wards.

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