WISE – Work for Integrated Social Empowerment, Trichy
Add.: 192/175, Salem Main Road, Thottiyam
Pin: 621215
Tamil Nadu
Mobile: 91-94444 87229
Email: wisetrust2010@yahoo.com
Contact Person: Ananthi Newman
Purpose : Education, health, women empowerment, child development, rural development, environmental etc.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Child & women welfare. Health, educational and welfare programmes for needy women and children. Promotion of socioeconomic development in the community. To arrange / establish and maintain centers of adult education, vocational education, technical training, and low cost education, formal & non-formal education. To aware people about various social issues to fight against evils. To issue appeals raise funds and accept gifts, donation subscriptions in cash or in kind and any property either movable or immovable for the achievement of the objective of the trust.
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