Vennila Child Welfare Trust, Madurai
Add : 8/191-A, Mochikulam Road, Thirumal, Thirumangalam
Tamil Nadu
Tel :
Mobile : 97870 41816
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Karthikeyan. B
Purpose : Child Welfare
Aim/Objective/Mission : The main goal is to reduce the prevalence of malnourished children under the age of 10 years to reduce child mortality from malnutrition by strengthening communities and village level government facilities capacity to identify, treat, and prevent malnutrition. Create awareness of malnutrition in child and pregnant women. We aim to prove that a holistic, decentralized, community-based approach to malnutrition eradication, empowering communities through health literacy and connecting rural communities with the government health and nutrition services available, is ultimately more successful and cost-effective than centralized approaches, especially for rural, marginalized communities. To prevent cancer related malnutrition we aim to reduce the impact of cancer by offering services to ensure children and their families are supported, informed and well cared for on their journey with cancer. We intend to provide a conducive environment and nutritious food thereby improving the cancer affected child s chance of recovery. Provide food where immediate survival is at stake, in disaster situations and for families and communities that live in extreme poverty. Conduct basic research on childhood cancer conduct the development of new therapeutics and nutritional supplements for malnourished child.
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