Upakar Educational Society, Dindigul

Add.: 5/748, A.K.M.G. Nagar, 4th Street, Karur Road
Pin: 624001
Tamil Nadu
Phone: 91-451-2422708
Contact Person: K. Arumugam
Purpose : Creating sustainable child and women development free from exploitation and by providing equal opportunity.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : To educate and rehabilitate victimized children including orphaned children, child labourers, handicapped children and street children. To provide health facilities for disadvantaged children and women. To generate awareness on Child Rights as stated in convention on child Rights, by children. To eradicate evil practice of child labour system. To enhance and strengthen child participation in all processes. To elicit the interest of more people and organisations to support the cause of the rights of children. To empower unorganized workers, rural women with socio-economic development initiatives.

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