Tiruppur School for the Deaf
Add.: Murugam palayam, Tirupur
Pin: 641687
Tamil Nadu
Mobile: 91-98422 27201
Email: tupdeafschool@sify.com
Website: http://www.theo-daef.com
Contact Person: Murugasamy Chitra
Purpose : For school maintanance and for poor deaf children free education.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : It’s situated in Tirupur, Tamil Nadu. 250 children studying and staying here. We attched our mission details for perusal. The Tirupur school for the deaf is engagaed in the mission of developing and quality, modern, value-based education to the Poor hearing and speech children. Able to communicate orally in a hearing world. Mainstream educational settings and the workplace. Make a positive contribution to society. Motivated to reach their full potential as independent individuals who are able to lead productive lives and find fulfillment of their dreams and aspirations. There are over 70million disabled in India and less than 1% of children with disability receive education of any kind. The Tirupur school for the Deaf is engaged in the mission of developing and giving quality, modern, value-based education to the poor Hearing and speech challenged children.
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