Sudar Academy and Charitable Trust, Thanjavur
Add : 458, Mariyamman Koil Street, Thirucherai
Tamil Nadu
Tel : 0435-2468234
Mobile : 99435 23888
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Dhakshinamurthy
Purpose : Adolescent Girls Welfare, Advocacy On Social Issues, Agriculture, Animal Health, Animal Welfare, Awareness Generation, Blindness, Cancer Patients Help, Child Rights, Child Welfare, Climate Change, Community Development, Consumer Issues, Cultural Issues, Disability, Disadvantaged Communities, Disaster Management, Distance Learning, E-Governance, E-Learning, Education, Employment, Environment, Food And Nutrition, Gender, General – Social Welfare, Governance, Grants/Aids, Human Development, Human Rights, Information And Communications Technology, Installation Of Borewells, Intellectual Property, Labour, Legal Awareness, Medical Relief, Mentally Handicapped Persons, Natural Resource Management, Ngo Management, Old Aged Welfare, Orphanage, Peace, Physically Disabled, Plantation, Pollution, Population, Rehabilitation, Rural Development, Sanitation, Science And Technology, Self Help Groups, Shelter Home, Sustainable Development, Right To Information, Traditional Health, Training, Tribal Development, Urban Development, Volunteers, Women’S Issues, Yoga, Youth Main Purpose-Differently Abled Persons Home-Old Age Home-Orphanage.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Every human being has got social responsibility. It is the duty of every human to take care of those who are less privileged. They should extend their helping hands and light the lives of those less fortunate people. They have their place in this world and they should be given the opportunity. The elite and the educated should prove their mettle in leading them. With this objective in view, sudar academy and charitable trust was started. Our mission and vision is to educate and emancipate these less fortunate people.these differently abled should be given their place in this world. In the process, the social imbalance existing in the society should be brought down. Goals: at present free education and food is being given to around thirty students and we would like to extend it and we are about to start an orphanage, an oldage home and a widow rehabilitation centre. But we are under financial constraint. Help us work towards bringing a balance in the society. Let us join this mission. We are running the school an rental basis, we have proposed to construct own building with hostel. For that we need funds to that purpose, donate liberally and help the student of our school.
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