Spirit of Life Mission, Chennai
Add.: Solm, Chennai
Pin: 600037
Tamil Nadu
Phone: 91-44-26568887
Mobile: 91-94448 69770
Email: solm.india@gmail.com
Contact Person: Dr. S. Hannah Nesamani
Purpose : Dalit christians
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Spirit of life mission – solm solf concentrate on christian mission work relating and dalit pastors. Over 500 dalit churches. When it is registered as a christian organization, we will not receive any support from the government of India. Spirit of life mission are a multi cultural work of god that is driven by his promise, dedicated to his purpose, anchored by his power and presence for bringing hope to the hurting. Spirit of life ministry is built on the compassion of christ, the conviction of his word, the challenge of his purpose, and the continuity of his kingdom. C.R.O.S.S., compassionately reaching our single sisters, education, health, empowerment, education, health and empowerment of poor and marginalized, especially, dalits, children, youth, women, dalit churches, praise and worship, prayer ministry.
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