SPECT – St. Peter Paul Educational & Cultural Trust, Villupuram
Add.: Feb-83, Church Street
Pin: 605755
Tamil Nadu
Phone: 91-4153-237211
Email: stpeterpaulspect@rediffmail.com
Website: http://www.spectmugaiyur.webs.com
Contact Person: L.Selvaraj
Purpose : Disability.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : SPECT is a registered NGO came in to existence in the year 1991. Its goal is to facilitate a just social order where there is equality, dignity and self respect for the disabled. Accordingly, it commits itself in protecting and promoting the rights of the said people, strategically, it educates and organizes them in self help groups to ensure their dignity and rights. It runs a special higher secondary school and free residential home for the physically handicapped children in Mugaiyur, Villupuram district, Tamil Nadu, India.
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