SEED TRUST – Socio Economic Education Development Trust, Villupuram
Add.: Nangathur, Aqnniyur
Pin: 605202
Tamil Nadu
Phone: 91-4145-232002
Mobile: 91-99425 79698
Contact Person: Inbaraj.A
Purpose : Economic & development, education.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : To establish schools and teacher education, technical educational institutions, para medicals, medical college and other educational institution for the poor and needy and provide for their education and well being. To conduct training programs and seminars for the benefit of poor students. To start and run vedic schools. To encourage handicrafts, music and dance. To donate to similar institutions having similar objects. To train students in the field of sports and games and encourage the development of sports and outdoor recreational activities of students and other alike. To establish study centers and libraries for the benefit of students and other who are need of such facilities. To encourage the participation of the students in extra curricular activities for their all round growth. To carry out Charitable activities including poor feeding, social service in co- ordination with other voluntary organizations and NGOs. To propagate the involvement of fine arts and culture in Indian society.
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