Right Foundation, Trichy

Add.: 105, Vanapattarai
Pin: 620002
Tamil Nadu
Phone: 91-431-4010172
Contact Person: Selvakumar Jesus Raja.J
Purpose : Research study, training, social development, counselling and outreach programmes.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Promoting voluntary and development actions through enabling NGOs in India. Enabling and equipping NGOs for sustainable development and securing livelihood of the poor especially the women and children. To promote voluntary and development actions through enabling NGOs in India. Concurrent up gradation of knowledge and skill development for the sustainable growth of NGOs. To build capacity of the NGOs to realise their mission through trainings. To assist NGOs in mobilising resources for development actions. NGO formation & registration, project formulation, training and development. Research activities including baseline survey / situation analysis need assessment study monitoring & evaluation documentation – brochure, annual report, funding agency reporting, newsletter, etc. network building, accounting & auditing, legal advice, financial advice proposal writing.

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