LIGHT, Chennai
Add.: 4/141, Kamarajsalai, Manjambakkam
Pin: 600060
Tamil Nadu
Phone: 91-44-25550427
Contact Person: Jackson John
Purpose :
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Our vision is to help out the deprived section of the society, caught in needy circumstances and facilitate to enable them attain standards of life. To fortify the less privileged community through inclusive empowerment and ensure equitable status in the society. To uphold the human rights and ensure their rights are respected. To transform the current standard of living among downtrodden community and help them gain dignity and honor in their life. To endorse and accomplish child care for all irrespective of their caste, creed, conditions and religion consequently reinstating their childhood. To create a batter world for children by safeguarding their rights as envisaged under UNCRC. To provide children with every opportunity and encourage to reach their full potential.
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