Leonard Hospital, Dindigul

Add.: Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod, Dindigul
Pin: 624202
Tamil Nadu
Phone: 91-4543-265256, 91-4543-262041
Contact Person: Sr. Pushpa
Purpose : Construction work
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Towards wholeness in love and service. Being rooted in the compassionate self giving love and humility of Jesus Christ and in solidarity with one another, we share joyfully His love and fellowship in bringing health and wholeness. To give holistic treatment to everyone without any discrimination of caste, creed and status. To foster an environment in which every person is motivated to continually improve the efficiency and effectiveness in the management of health care services. To respond to the needs of the people of the locality and to reach out to the villages with health and medical care facilities. To give to all the maximum medical and nursing care available in the hospital, so as to heal the person as a WHOLE. To provide good working environment which allows employees to promote team spirit, mutual love and trust.

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