Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust, Tirunelveli
Add : 94, 6th Street, Perumalpuram
Tamil Nadu
Tel : 0462-2530770
Mobile : 98421 51997
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Dr. Shakeela Rajkumar
Purpose : Anti Drug Campaign.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Aims : skill development and awareness generation vission: to achieve social economic, cultural and political empowerment to the rural marginalized people. Mission: to alleviate poverty among below base level families, by improving their livable income. To achieve holistic health at rural areas by introducing health awareness and preventive medicines. To introduce awareness building on legal issues, women rights and other social economic empowerment aspects. To impart training programmes and skill training and improve rural adoptable technology. Profile of ngo: our trust is satisfied that we have contributed our mite to the society on which we work regarding health care, rehabilitation of filariasis infected people and awareness on various issues that affect the society. We have been in the field of welfare activities and as an extension of activities we have planned to implement the following programs. Environmental education. Low cost housing programs. Social forestry and afforestation. Water resources management. Elimination of child and bonded labour. Reproductive health and child welfare de-addiction centers. Leprosy rehabilitation erect filariasis rehabilitation dispensaries to impart skill training for peoples with disabilities and improving their livable income.
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