Gandhiji Seva Sangam, Madurai
Add.: W-4/90, Gandhi Nagar, Theni Main Road, Achampathu
Pin: 625019
Tamil Nadu
Phone: 91-452-2673119
Mobile: 91-94436 31146
Contact Person: M. Manikandan
Purpose :
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Poverty and illiteracy are the two obstacles among the rural people which hamper social, educational and economic development. In order to alleviate these social evils, Education plays a vital role in changing their attitude and building awareness for eliminating child labour. Drop outs from school should be curtailed by providing food, clothing and free supply of books to poor students to continue their education. To work for the uplift of the economic and social condition of the people below the poverty line, especially those among the backward, most backward classes, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and others.
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