EMPOWER, Tuticorin
Add.: 107-J/133-E, Tuticorin
Pin: 628008
Tamil Nadu
Phone: 91-461-2310151
Email: ttn_empower@sancharnet.in
Website: http://www.empowerindia.org
Contact Person: Sankar
Purpose : Empowering the community.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Empowered gender just communities leading sustainable and quality livelihood. Facilitating the community to gain control over their lives by nurturing their innate capacities to make their own choices. Empower the marginalized communities such as women, children and youth of socially and economically disadvantaged communities. Promote women’s rights and campaign against violence against women. Promote child rights and campaign against exploitation of children impart consumer awareness education, offer consumer guidance. Campaign against unfair trade practices, to work on civic and environmental issues affecting the people through research and social action. Prevent the spread of STD/HIV/AIDS among high-risk behavior groups.
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