Elite Service Trust, Theni

Add.: 21-15-1, Madurai Road
Pin: 625533
Tamil Nadu
Phone: 91-4554-265636
Contact Person: Safik Khan
Purpose : Development.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : The vision of the trust is supplementing and complementing to the needs of the national downtrodden. The trust will be under the constitution of and abide by it rules and regulations. The trust will be independent and self autonomous. The trust shall organize relief in times of emergency, Natural disaster and any social and economic hindrances. The trust will conduct programmes for rural and urban development. The trust will educate the poor with quality education. The trust will create awareness on medical background. The trust will bring consumer awareness. The trust shall bridge the gaps between common men and the government departments. The trust shall motivate people in environmental protection and sanitation. The trust will assist the common men in all aspects of agriculture and animal husbandry. The trust shall help the government departments in the surveys and related activities. The trust shall make the downtrodden aware of government schemes and procedures for obtaining help from such schemes.

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